There were so many people. A mass of people moving from one place to another. And there was this great need to be heard. People paid to be listened to. To be listened to by another person who was dedicated exclusively to that, to listening. Or to be heard by some kind of higher being, some idea of God. And in order to be heard by this God you had to isolate yourself, and from this need the desert arose. A place free of noise, the only place where it was possible to find silence. The silence that facilitates listening. A place without distractions, but with other challenges. With sandstorms, mirages, and authentic oases, privileged places that – in the centre of the void – allowed us to ignite the cauldron of memories, fears and fantasies that we carry inside ourselves. We dedicated ourselves to looking for this place, like cavers exploring the interior of humanity.
Premi de la Crítica 2024 - Millor espai sonor Sammy Metcalfe i Miquel Segovia
Creació: ATRESBANDES (Mònica Almirall, Miquel Segovia i Albert Pérez Hidalgo). Assessorament en dramatúrgia: Pau Masaló. Interpretació: Nicolás Carbajal, Marina Rodríguez, Ruben Ametllé i Amaranta Velarde. Disseny de la il·luminació: Ana Rovira. Espai escènic: Fryderyk Swierczynski. Espai sonor: Sammy Metcalfe i Miquel Segovia. Vestuari: Claudia Vilà i Adriana Parra. Producció: Imma Bové i Atresbandes. Comunicació: Irene Vicente. Alumne en pràctiques: Rebeca Fiol. Una producció d’ATRESBANDES, el Teatre Lliure de Barcelona i El Canal – Centre d’arts escèniques de Salt.